acrylic painting, bienêtre, creativité, developpement personnelle, doterra, essential oils, intuitive painting, stress, Uncategorized, wellbeing

How to paint using essential oils: The process of healing through painting.

The process of painting with essential oils

So it’s been a year since I painted a canvas, a whole year. The last one was one I did for my partner’s birthday…and nothing since. This week however with the new moon in Virgo, I was itching to release through my paints. Finally I had time, time for me, and no other commitments, except to me and my passion.

I laid out my paints, opened my essential oil cases (I have over 80 oils…) and laid my canvas down, I prefer to work flat than on an easel sometimes.

Next I intuitively chose 2 paint colours, eyes shut, which turned out to be a royal blue and black ( these are never colours I work with!), and 2 Doterra oils, (again eyes shut).

The first was Blue Tansy, the oil of inpsired action, and one I absolutely HATE the smell of. The first time I smelt this oil I almost vomited, although my daughters tell me it smells like blueberry muffins! This oil is blue in colour and helps release procrastination, resistance to change and lack of inspiration, and helps those who have become stagnant. No surprise there then when I haven’t painted in over a year! I put Blue Tansy into the blue paint which felt pretty logical!

The second oil I intutively picked was Cassia, which is similar to cinnamom, another oil I really avoid due to its smell . Cassia is the oil of self assurance releasing insecurity, and lack of worth ( bingo! My two biggest negatives and no wonder I don’t like the smell, these feelings go very deep, I think I will start working with this oil during Autumn when its heady smell is easier to take in). Cassia helps dissipate fear and helps take the leap despite the fear of making mistakes. It allows one to allow their gifts to shine.
Cassia went into the black paint.

Now the meaning of these oils ties in pretty well with what I painted:

Now this I read as wanting to bloom but fear is imprisoning me. And the two oils certainly back this up! I see now those black squiggles with the round ball as a ball and chain holding me back, like the old beliefs we drag around with us.

Remember when we paint ,the idea is not to think, but just paint as you feel, as your soul tells you. The brush leads the head, and not the other way round! 

The first layers are often the most difficult in some ways, they feel the most static and heavy especially if you are not used to painting. In the first layer your mind plays tricks on you, bringing up fears of making mistakes (Cassia oil!!), of not knowing where you are going. It DOES get easier!

My second layer consisted of white, yellow and orange with oils of Eucalyptus and and again blue tansy. Now funnily enough I actually LOVED the smell of Blue Tansy in the paint as to diffusing it!

Now I was quite surprised to see Eucalyptus at first, the oil of wellness, but then I have been suffering from sisnusitis for a while now, which was giving me dizzy spells, so in fact this figures! It also releases negative feelings of imprisonment so there ties in with my first layer!

This came through as whirlwinds and tournados, something whisking up, and then felt drawn to adding a third oil and colour…

Roman Chamomile was added into purple paint

Roman chamomile , the oil of spiritual purpose, omg just realised this was added to purple!! You just can’t make this up! All thes oils are chosen, remember with eyes closed, and paint colours chosen within seconds. No second guessing nor changing. This incredible oil gets us focussed totally on our spiritual purpose, allowing us to drop the distractions, and all that doesn’t serve. It quietens the ego mind and brings us right into our earth mission.

Do you see how all this follows like a story? If we call, I started in imprisonment of fear . The oils are showing me the way,whilst the colours show where I am.

This led to a further layer and more colours:

Ginger, Grapefruit and Terrashield

Ginger the oil of empowerment, letting go of the victim and taking full responsability for one’s life, committing to one’s purpose.
Grapefruit, accepting one’s physical body as it is…(I didn’t get this until after the painting, as I do not diet, and am at ease with my body)
Terrashield, the insect repellent lol, but also creating boundaries, amazing for empaths who absorb others’ energies…

This butterfly came through, and with the oils I had the strong feeling that I was finding it hard to accept my butterlfy wings ( the physical body of a butterfly), and was almost repelling it!! See how these oils have suc meanings, and really help to interpret the painting? Believe me, the painting without the oils tells a totally different story.

Doterra essential oils turn your creation from a book into a film!!

Now this had me in stitches! I mean come on choosing all this with eyes shut! I mean really! Oils of Blue Tansy, lavender, Eucalyptus and Tangerine…and paints of turquoise blue, purple , pale green, and orange….do you see it??The oils match the colours!!!!

Seriosly? No fricking joke!!

And I painted this…..eye, ears, and nose….the senses, plus colour, with oils to match. My spirit was really emphasising the senses and the conenctions. Well now, that really made me laugh as I am creating a retreat in a french gite, the gite being called the gite of the …5 senses!!! and our retreat is for language coaching based on…the 5 senses! Just so incredible these oils and the process. It’s as if your souls is opened up on a chapter in a book for you to read. So I guess this was really showing me that I am on the right path!

Finally I let rip, and took pleasure in painting with the colours I love, turquoise and violet. I felt it as a celebration and liberation of the real me.

I cannot begin to tell you how powerful this process is, how it really shows you where you are blocking, and believe me it shows things you really never saw coming. Painting without the oils works but it’s like reading a book compared to a film. You create your own interpretation whereas the oils put the whole thing into context. It’s like they do the translation for you.

During our sessions we work through the interpretations together, I give you the meanings of the oils and the colours, and then you make your own interpreations according to your layers of creation. It shifts emotions and helps you see areas in your life that are blocking, the session being like a coaching session through the interpretation. After the session you will go away with the creation and samples of the oils so you can use and diffuse them at home.

If you would like to know more, just drop me a line here.

and to know more about Doterra oils see this link

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