developpement personnelle, essential oils, wellbeing

How to stay positive in the down times

So I had just watched this video on YouTube via Facebook about the Universe being rigged in your favour and I ended up writing a small post about it, on ho< I see life in those dark moments. Well thanks to April’s Full moon in Scorpio, one of those dark moments suddenly landed on me minutes after watching the video! haha not by chance of course! the Universe giving me the opportunity to fully aware of the process so I could then write this blog about it! Being so fully aware of the moment I could stand back see how I use those moments to fuel myself and bingo here is the blog post! So even that shows just how the Universe IS rigged in our favour!! Incredible eh? You see once you start seeing life that way, it all becomes a game, like those Escape games everyone is doing! Or even Mario Kart!


Life takes on a whole new meaning when it feels like a game.

So back to that dark moment. So many people ask me how I stay positive, others say things like “it’s not good to  see just the good and pretend everything is fluffy happy”. So I will explain the first point after. the second point is not how I live life at all. I have my down moments, I am human after all! And I certainly don’t ignore or pretend that all is hunk dory, that would just be escaping life and certainly dangerous emotionally. Nope I embrace the downs as place to learn and grow. those moments have the real golden nuggets.

Going Down!

This morning I suddenly found myself going down the slippery slope of feeling down. All my fears (as always over money issues, goodness I need to let that story go!), came up with the setting of the Full Moon. Doubts came up, victim mode reared its ugly head and I felt myself bringing up the shitty stuff in a  message conversation with a friend who patiently listened.



Realising what was happening I quickly messaged another friend who really gets how I work, and told him that I was going down, and then jumped in the shower to wash away the thoughts. my friend messaged me loads of positive songs to get me back up (rule number 1 music is FAB for lifting the vibe. Get a playlist going that you can use for such moments). As I came out of the shower I went into my fear, faced it head on to find the root and then found a solution to the problem. (I won’t go into what it was for not wanting to fuel it with more energy and attention).  What else did I do  to use this moment as a springboard?

Take action!

I wrote down a list of actions I could take to fuel my energy, and which ones I could do today to take me forward. Journaling is also fab and so began to write down what was bugging me and realised I am my own problem, the lazy libra rearing its ugly head! So I found it was time to seriously kick my butt  and realise that I am the only one to be able to change this situation! U=You see we can through these moments blaming all and sundry , until we realise we are the problem and therefore we are the solution!

Each time I go through these downers I realise just how powerful they are, they kick me into  action, they inspire me, and get me down the nitty-gritty where the real inspiration comes in. They also beautifully unveil those negative voices that stop you moving forward. The full moon you see, shines its light to unveil the darkness that normally hides. it brings it all into view, it shows the shadows we don’t normally see.

téléchargement (3)

So you see, I don’t live in those moments, I use them to fuel me. They are my most powerful moments. I come out the other side feeling so energised and inspired. you know it’s really like going on a big dipper ride, or riding fast down a hill on your bike,when you are the down, you know that the faster you go the easier the ride up will be, it literally fuels you up. Sometimes we don’t actually see the lesson until after, and that is totally fine. Once I have come through the other side i always turn back and look for the lesson and there is ALWAYS one. Promise! We may not always see it until years after, but it is there, if we just choose to look. And let’s face it, isn’t life better when we see the lesson, rather than the punishment?

Go on Empower Yourself!

Doterra Oils that help to empower you? Ginger!

I take a drop every morning in a glass of water


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