
How to make your Vision Board work

My dream on a Vision Board

my first dream from a very early age, as you may have read from previous blogs was to live in France. My bedroom wall became my vision board, covered in everything from

Bonne Maman, the best


‘Bonne Maman’ jam jar labels, (I now have this every morning on my bread


I can smell the croissants!


to paper bags that once held fresh croissants from a french bakers, (to this day, touching one of these bags brings memories)




europe 1 radio sticker

radio car stickers, (looking for an image of the sticker, I found the same one I had back in the 80,s, the feeling was so storng that I burst into tears as I found this image- that’s how strong my vision baord was)





…to a michelin map of France. Each bit of that board held a story, a memory of holidays, feelings and a love of France.  I would see those things and feel French. On the radio would be french radio channels (even in my Dad’s car). I joined local french speaking groups.

I just lived and breathed it, believed it until in 2001 I was stood on my balcony in France, having just moved and realised ” I am living my dream”!


Hustle Believe Receive

IMG_7590 (2) I then began to create my new vision board afew years ago after being in contact and working with Sarah Centrella (best selling author of Hustle Believe Receive).

It is HUGE! and sits in front of my sofa so that I see it every day. Half of my board (lol just shows how important this is to me!) is dedicated to my life purpose and that is my art workshops, healing and retreats. I cut out everything that gave me the FEELING I wanted to have on reaching those goals, that when I got to where I wanted to be I would have the same feeling.

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These are the images I have on my vision board that I had found on pinterest. Every time I look at them I feel good, I feel I am there, talking with my clients during my art workshops, helping them to open up to their creativity.  I hear the birds, smell the lavender, the crunch of the gravel under my feet.  Each picture tells a story connected to my dream.

The Hustle

I have been hustling this dream for a couple of years, endlessly buidling up my business in healing and creative activities. at least 3 times I have connected with people to organise retreats, but they never worked out, I never gave up, as timing is everything and I obviously wasn’t ready for the ‘right’ retreat.

I began to follow Amanda at Praana Wellness afew years ago and became friends with her on facebook, then on Instagram. I loved her place, and everything about it and what she represents. My dream was to work at her gite with my retreats, but it felt so out of my reach, too good to be true, but it never left my heart.

Then she sent me a message saying how she would love to have my energy at her place!! OMG pinch myself moment! As we chatted and threw ideas around, I began to see something:


praana wellness



praana wellness


the 2cv van at praana wellness!



Praana Wellness
praana wellness


Can you begin to see the likeness§ Even the 2cv!!!!

THIS is the power of Vision Boards!!

I shall be running my dream retreat at my dream place!!! I went to visit Amanda to plan and meet for the first time, as I walked around the grounds I felt I was walking in my dream, and it felt so normal because I had dreamt this place for so long! It felt RIGHT! and what place to hold my first retreat!


You’ll learn more about my retreat here, but basically coming to my creative soul retreat you will release the creator within, though a variety of activities, from painting to writing, sticking, meditation and yoga, we’ll be helping you create YOUR creative dream! That dream you put on the back burner all those years ago, whether it was writing a book, selling your at work or just wanting to to learn pottery, we’ll be working together and putting it in motion. Through creative moments you’ll be learning to let go and allow, be inspired, tune in to your intuition, listen to that inner voice and go home with YOUR creative dream no matter how big or small.

And now you know the story behind this retreat and the fact that you will be part of MY dream, well it just makes it even better doesn’t it!!


Anyway back to the vision board! Your vision board needs to be a VISION of your future not just a collection of things. each picture tells a story, a sentence in your future, it’s the FEELINGS that count not the thing  And when you have done it don’t sit back and wait! Get out there and hustle every day to your dream, feel your dream, imagine in and every day take baby steps to it whilst letting go of the timing and the how. It works!

You also need to work on blocks and beliefs to help you ge there and a great way is to  book a session with me to release those old negative emotions that stand like boulders on your path. Dreams take work and commitment from the inside out.

If you’d like to know more about anything in this article write a comment below!



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