
The process of a painting

When I arrive at my canvas I have no idea what will come out, where I will go nor the final result. I put entire trust in the process and know that I will know when I have finished.  I just go with the flow knowing that my intuition, my soul and my higher self will guide me to what is needed and what I need to express.

Up to now my paintings have a had a similar feel, a feeling of expressing energy- vortexes and  swirls (see here).  This one ended up being totally different and reflects on my life at present. After searching for so long I have finally found true soul love which has turned my life around.

When I start to paint I choose a colour I feel drawn to and see where it takes me. This time I was drawn, or influenced by the colours of my partner, orange and red. And the swirls came..


It was far from finished! I dried the paint and continued….adding my favourite colour, turquoise



Texture was added next using a paper doily


and once again dried between layers before more colours were added



Including once again red, but also purple, gold and white giving it a more spiritual feel I realised after, and as you can see the swirls came in again.

It was only after that I realised what had been happening, that our joint twinflame energies were entwined as one. Light and sprinklings of gold powder coming in from the left, giving it a more spiritual twist. The left of the body is connected to the right brain, of intuition and heart based, whereas the right of the body being the left brain of logic. For me the swirls from the left are habit, what I have always done, my connection to the past, whereas the right is the present, the future and a spiritual connection within the couple.  Our our energies are intertwined through spirit, being still attached to what i know and am familiar with. This is how I interpret my painting, and it is the first time I have done this! Meeting my partner, has been such a turning point for me, and a very big, huge in spiritual growth for us both that this picture represents this moment.

All my artwork is available for purchase.





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